AMR Catering is your go-to caterer for all the reasons you choose to celebrate! We’ve had the pleasure of working with clients on all types of events - showers, cocktail parties, birthdays, kids parties, engagements/weddings, corporate events, and any and all between! Our services offer our clients a completely customizable client experience - no two menus are alike.
Born and raised by a highly-skilled chef aka mom, I learned a lot about cooking - more so, putting love into your food. With my cultured upbringing and professional training, the goal of AMR Catering is to take what you know and love about both American and Indian flavors and staples, and heighten them to another level - fusing flavors into a creative culinary experience.
Everything we make is hand-crafted, exceptionally unique, and we take pride in creating bold and dynamic flavors. With both savory and sweet experience and accolades, AMR Catering is a one stop spot for your next event.